Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Evan came home last night (Monday) after a tumultuous battle with the insurance over oral antibiotic medication.  It seems that his insurance is increasingly denying requests for payment on medications to be used while at home and requiring prior authorization.  This is unsettling and if anything the insurance company should know that the request for medications is for a real and potentially dangerous situation and the need for prior authorization is a ridiculous and unnecessary action.  The need for Evan to be on prophylactic medication to prevent infection is critical so he will not develop an infection as his immune system is compromised due to the Chemo therapy.

Evan continues to progress after surgery and is responding well.  It is amazing how children bounce back after major surgery.  He is eating well and is taking walks around the facility prior to us bringing him home.  His pain level is on an up and down scale; as the oral medications begin to wear off the pain level increases.  It is painful when he needs to move around or get out of bed at the very begin of the process but once the movement is initiated he seems to tolerate any discomfort well.  We are going have Evan custom fit for a sling that immobilizes the arm until the surgeon feels that his allograft is healing and adhering well to his natural bone structure.

The antibiotic medications in question which were ordered here at Health Park on Monday at the direction of All Children's arrived and Mom picked the medications up so Evan can continue his prophylactic dosing.  They stopped by the clinic to say hello to the staff and Evan was warmly greeted.  Meghan was able to show the Oncologist the picture of the removed bone which was cut in half lengthwise.  He was very pleased on what appeared to be significant destruction of the tumor. 

Evan is due at the clinic on Thursday for routine blood work to check for cell counts and levels so I will post about that after Thursday.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just caught up on reading about Evan's surgery and recovery. Such a stressful time. But so fascinating on the medical side! Hoping he breezes through the rest of treatment. Goodbye cancer and Good riddance!