Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

Just when I though this was becoming routine, it isn't.  Went to pick up Meghan and Evan for the latest round of Chemo and as I went in the house, Evan was crying and having bouts of vomiting.  It seems his nerves had gotten the better of him and he was really scared about today.  He is very aware that he was going to receive the Red Devil and White Lightning (What I have chosen to call this treatment) and how sick it was going to make him.  Everything was hurting him and it was a struggle every step of the way.  But in the end he sucked it up and went right along to the car and hospital to begin the treatment.  I am always amazed at how well he acts when he knows there is no other alternative.  He had a bout of vomiting in the car and missed his bucket and made a mess of his sweats and car seat.  He was worried that I would be mad about this, (imagine he is worried about the mess he made when he should be worried about more important things), and I made sure when he got out of the car the he was well aware that it didn't matter and that it would be all cleaned up and his seat washed and ready for him to come home in a few days.  I got a smile out of him which meant worry gone and he is loved!  So I watched them carry their belongings and go into the hospital soiled sweats and all to face his next leg of the journey.  I am intensely  proud of Meghan being able to handle this situation with almost grace and ease; resigned to the fact that we all will do whatever is necessary to make Evan comfortable, quiet and well cared for.

Check back during the day for updates as I receive them from clinic central.  I just received a text from Meghan that his blood has been drawn for testing and he is hooked up to IV for hydration. It is 10:00 AM.

Update: 11:15 AM Blood work is back and ANC is 2448; WBC is 4.8; Neutrophils 50.7 and Basophils 1.3.  His treatment can begin after full hydration.  His liver enzymes are AST 772 and ALT 1663.
4:30 PM: decadron has been introduced and the red devil should be next.  Evans spirits are good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is such a brave little boy and Meghan is an amazing mom